Create a new account

New Registration for MyBAUR

This registration form is only for distributors of BAUR GmbH.

Information on registration and unlock process

  1. Register with your personal e-mail address
    Please fill in the form  and click on "Create new account".

  2. Check your e-mails and confirm your registration
    For security reasons you will receive an e-mail with a verification link. Please click on the link to confirm your registration.

  3. Unlock process
    After this confirmation your account will be manually reviewed by BAUR GmbH and unlocked. Please note that due to the weekends / holidays this process can take up to 72 hours to complete.

  4. Log in
    Once your account has been activated, you will be informed again via e-mail and you can log into MyBAUR.

I don't know my password

To reset your password, enter the email address you use to sign in